7DRL Day 5 - Monster Artificial Intelligence

I was getting annoyed with monsters getting stuck in my maze. So I added some more logic to their movement. Found it tough to figure out how to keep them going towards the player, even if there were walls in the way. I think there are still several scenarios where they get stuck.

Was not satisfied with the turquoise wall color. So I changed it to green. Also made the gold pieces an orange instead of yellow color. This causes a retro 1960s look to the game. Feels right since Rogue is an ancient computer game.

I finally broke down and added a scrolling message section at the bottom of the maze. This worked out well. I primed the queue with some initial welcome messages at the start of the game. Now at least the player has a running commentary on what is going on in battle.

Not sure where I am going to go next. I might clean up the code, especially in the department of function calls. I do need to implement perma-death. Right now if you die, your hit points go to zero. But you are allowed to keep playing. That is not right.

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