7DRL Day 6 - Game Completion

I attended to some mechanics of the overall game today. First I implemented keypad movement. This let the user move diagonally. I also halted the game when the player died. Also added detection to see whether all monster have been killed. If so, I also halt the game.

On a programming front, I removed any function parameters that were not necessary. Almost all variables seem to have a global scope. No need to pass them to my functions. Makes for simpler looking code. I might be violating some proper design principles. However I blame that on the Python programming language.

I decided to severely reduce the amount of dungeon walls. This was an attempt to ensure the player can reach all monsters to battle and win the game. I also took care of initial wall and gold placement to make sure the player does not start out on top of either of them. I think I have a fully playable game. It is highly minimal, but playable.

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